The Gun Rights Restoration Act
by: Publius Extant ( Liberty Ink, PBC -- www.Liberty.Ink )

Why, after nearly a century of repeated legislation, is gun crime still a major problem?
The obvious:
Gun crime mitigation should focus on the mental state of the gun bearer.
The important question:
Who holds the gun, any gun? ...not, what kind of gun is it?

Infringement restricting the kind of gun, its size, its shape, its magazine capacity, etc. has proven inept... and worse,
such "prior-restraint" law leads to suspecting government intent.
Current law takes everyone's freedom for the crimes of a few.
Such suspicious infringement leads here:
Is mitigating gun crime a ruling class guise to quell their subject's capacity to resist authoritarian rule?
Notice, the targeted guns are not the ones most used to commit violent crime,
they are the ones most effective in self-defense and homeland security.
Our founders knew ruling class history.
Such truth-to-power questions are exactly why they created this Republic...
exactly why they insisted on a BILL OF RIGHTS.

Here, the goal is reducing gun crime without infringing on gun rights.
Basic government must address guns only because guns give poential oppressors unbalanced power over their victims.
The plan outlined below overturns ineffective laws... replacing them with new statutes using modern technology and refreshed ideas.
It stops creating crimes originating out of victimless acts.
It removes laws about gun types, shapes, sizes, magazine capacity, etc.
It "cracks down" on who can possess a gun... any gun.
Unrestricted gun possession requires certified safety and ethics training.
Restricted gun possession requires mentor supervision.
The law vets for mental derangement without needing a "snitch" (family or otherwise)... and, before a crime is committed.
Internet websites quickly establish Red-flags or Green-flags defining limitations on gun possession.
These instant background checks can be done before gun possession or ownership is transferred by sale, gift, bailment or loan.
This law reduces the suspicion of government because it clearly protects personal rights.
A trusted government is a government with less fear.

"Philosophy is common sense with big words."
James Madison


This is an insistent article for readers troubled that our current politcal path leads to the unspeakable and final product of mistrust. It is a correspondence of some urgency. Contemporary claims of existential threat are misdireted. Again, this essay is about the real threat to our Republic: distrust.

While the overt goal of the Red-flag / Green-flag law is to reduce gun crime, its core target is actually trust: increasing the public's trust in armed citizens and making governments more trustworthy in filling their primary responsibility.

The primary government responsibility is insuring our personal liberty -- our individual freedom. The continued existence of governments -- from dictatorships to monarchies and democracies -- always depends on how well that government insures personal freedom. It is just that simple and just that complicted.

This truism stems from the primal law that spawned the Magna Carta: the law that governs the way humans think. From our creation, Homo sapiens have had free-will: the ability to choose our next actions. We are loathed to relinquish it. It defines us.

To borrow from the ancient story, Adam was free to develop his own moraility: the rule-set guiding his action within his reality. The only foil for Adam's free-will was the consequence of natural law.

When "Eve" arrived, neither was alone. For both, life had new possibilities. While the consequence of natural law was similar for Adam and Eve, neither had developed a moral rule-set adequate for their new reality. So together, they had to agree on a rule-set accommodating the other; a rule-set allowing them to pursue happiness in their joint venture while protecting both of their individual lives and their personal liberties.
Thus, community began.

In order to live harmoniously, new communities develop rule-sets always abridging individual free-will. While morality is the individual's behavioral rule-set, ethics is the community's behavioral rule-set.

Looking at the bigger picture, community is a plurality of individuals sharing some proximate reality. Just as individuals define their morality, communities define their shared ethics. Obviously, some individual actions might harm the well-being of another. So, ethics establish compromised boundaries on interpersonal action; these limits must still honor individual liberty (minimal infringement) while providing community benefit. To varying degreees, both community membership and secession are a choice... but not always free.

Governments are special communities. They are established to enforce basic ethical rule-sets (laws) that must be observed within a proximate reality... realities usually bounded by physical location. Individual free-will cannot ignore the rules without penalties and secession from this community is ominous. Governments force subtle levels of membership on all individuals within adequate proximity.

Again, government's primary responsibility is to allow as much individual free-will as possible... only preventing entities from inflicting material harm to individuals without their consent. This is basic government.

Revolution does not start within simple basic government. It starts when rulers choose to do more than that required by the primary responsibility. Britain's Lord Acton once suggested: "Because they have power they think themselves wise.

Lord Action's cynicism is cautionary and occasionally on point. For example, when Vladimir Lenin said: "It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefull rationed"... his goals seem quite transparent. For Lenin, government is liberty's "gatekeeper." He negates that every human was born with a free-will that thinks it should decide how to live. Natural law already "rationed" liberty without Lenin's help.

While the psychology of this issue is later discussed in more depth, free-will is at the core of every revolution. So, to avoid even the perception of overreach, enduring Red-flags are only issued by juries and Green-flags by a plurality of non-government entities. Government retains only the power needed to accomplish gun crime reduction. Similar thinking prompted Henry David Thoreau to write:
"That government is best which governs the least."

Two thousand years of political history convinced our Founders, we are a safer social system when all trustworthy citizens can elect to be armed. Whether done by foreign or domestic power, forcibly taking individual liberty is tyrannical oppression. Such tyranny only succeeds when power balances to the oppressor's favor. When the law fails, armed citizens are the democratic power equalizer. Whether the despot is a carjacker, a mass killer or head-of-state, armed citizens are their bane. The better the citizenry is armed, the more the balance tips in favor of democratic liberty. Thus, the Bill Of Rights appoints armed citizens as the final bastion against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Trained well armed citizens vetted for soundness of mind are not a threat to peaceful neighbors. Nor are they a threat to governments not causing them to collectively conclude government is thwarting their liberty. Thus, the founders plan.

This segment adds depth to why the proposed Red-flag / Green-flag law is structured as it is. It offers a method for identifying individuals with thinking disabilities... disabilities provoking unjustified violence; such persons are called miscreants herein. Stigmatization of such people is minimized because Green-flag vetting is their choice and private... private unless exacebating circumstances arise. Yet, gun availability to miscreants is quite restricted... thwarted before they act and before there are victims. Further, to enhance public safety, people choosing to arm themselves are formally trained in gun safety, firearms ethics and recognizing danger signs in people they might mentor.

While mass shootings are only a tiny fraction of violent crime, they warrant extensive focus because they are flagitious (gut-wrenching) crimes made even worse by killing the most innocent among us. Because they are so grievous and guns are used, they drive some public opinion toward a seemingly quick easy solution: get rid of guns.

Unsurprisingly, other millions see banning guns as a great threat. They exclaim: "Suppressing speech and guns is a despotic tactic that destroys trust... the actual existential threat to the Republic."

Clearly, we are divided. And trust is central. The following are pithy samples of what is being said: Why trust strangers to have guns at all? Why does anyone need a gun today? Only perverts want guns. Can government be trusted when they disarm their people? Why does government need to know who has guns? Is gun registration so they know where to send the confiscation army? Why do some countries have less crime than we do? Why does government make crimes of innocuous acts... acts with no victims?

Because such trust-centered ideas drive the division, they are addressed here, even down to fundamental psychology. Thus, the underlying rationale for this law's structure is exposed. There is even a glimpse of hope... hope beyond quelling mass shootings.

The Proposal:
First, an overview of the law itself. This law requires firearms safety and ethics training. Novices are trained, tested and vetted by experienced instructors. Such training and vetting have been part of the world-wide gun subculture and police training for centuries. Our gun subculture is ready... and, doing much of it now. Most states already offer Hunter Safety Training. In essence, this law only crystallizes and codifies legacy conventions nationwide. Further, this law will likely increase both the depth and perceived legitimacy of the gun subculture in the U.S.

Gun ownership (chattel ownership) is of little importance. This law governs gun possession: (Who could pull the trigger right now?). All gun possession must be supervised by a Green-flag Certified person. Unsupervised gun possession would be a federal crime and perpetrators subject to arrest. For innocent purpose, this is much less onerous than it first seems (also see SIGNIFICANT FEATURES)... and, getting Green-flag Certified is not hard. Yet, miscreants must be quite clever indeed, for nefarious gun possession. And then, don't get caught.
Conviction must have consequence.

Green-flag Certified status is easy for anyone twenty-one years of age, sound of mind and without a Red-flag. They can supervise themselves and anyone else they choose. In the process of getting Green-flag Certified, they will be trained in gun safety and ethics as well as vetted for soundness of mind.

Green-flag Certification is not issued by governments. It is issued by a plurality of non-government organizations each sanctioned by at least one state. All Green-flags are valid everywhere the U.S. Government has jurisdiction.

It can be argued, a Green-flag Certification is a gun permit; and it effectively is. However, governments do not issue them and cannot have a list of who holds them. Governments only set the standards for the process used to train and vet candidates. Governments are forbidden by law from requiring Green-flag Certification Organizations to submit any information about a Green-flag Certified persons without the holder's permission OR, a search warrant naming the individual as crucial to a criminal investigation.

Green-flag Certification holders may possess SmallArms for any lawful purpose... alone, without external supervision. Except by contractual obligation, other permission, permits or licenses are not required by any government for SmallArms possession. Green-flag Certified holders are free to buy and sell guns among themselves and use the U.S. mail or other available bailment services to transport guns among themselves. While Green-flag Certified persons are the "front-line" in this law's training and vetting process, only Green-flag Certification Organizations can issue Green-flags.

The Red-flag (the other of the two flags) restricts holders to possessing only unloaded guns... and then, only under Green-flag Certified supervision. A "durable" Red-flag only results from a conviction using the same due process as that required for any felony conviction. Detail about temporary flag found under SIGNIFICANT FEATURES.

Persons with no flags, may freely possess guns for any lawful purpose with adequate supervision by a Green-flag Certified mentor. This supervision is adequate when the supervised person does not commit gun involved criminal acts while under supervision; the Green-flag Certified supervisor has some liability toward assuring this remains true. Possession of SmallArms by unsupervised persons is unlawful.
A written supervision agreement is recommended.

More than gun crime is at stake.
In the last few decades, the worst among us are mass-murdering children and teachers in their classrooms, murdering your neighbors while they grocery shop, murdering families watching a parade. In this same period, most countries in the world have experienced a decline in their homicide rates. The public is outraged. Laws passed since Chicago's 1929 mass-murder, have failed to make even Chicago safe enough.

What is wrong? As the United States leads this planet in exploring beyond Earth and the U.S. Navy suspects visitants from beyond Earth may be watching us, we are at an evolutionary juncture over issues far more profound than gun-control.

Yet, gun-control is a litmus test. Balancing individual liberty with community is not new. It has been a human challenge since our first tribe, our first town, our first country. It is a topic addressed by every religion. It was central to our Constitutional Convention in 1787.

The trust between the individual and community is a layer of reflection deeper than gun-control alone. In this layer lies the answer to: What is wrong?

If we want to stop the killing of children in their classrooms, the killing of grocery shoppers and parade watchers -- and, if we want to convince visitants the Earth's Humankind Experiment is successful -- we need diligent work... work starting with that required to understand ourselves.

Nearly a century of law, seventeen presidents and forty-six congresses since the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre leave a trail of underachieved promise and fractured trust. The division bifurcates with one group seeming to believe:
U.S. culture is so widely debased that it cannot be fixed without reducing freedoms for all gun owners. They tout outlawing auto-loading and automatic weapons along with gun accessories that also increase fire-power. Further, they argue, there is no legitimate need for these arms or accessories; such are instruments of war not intended for private citizens and their further dissemination only adds to the problem. Every gun transfer must require a background check done through a licensed firearms dealer... every one, stranger or grandchild.
The other group argues:
U.S. culture is narrowly debased with only a small fraction of largely identifiable people committing crime. Mass killers are obvious if we would only look. Isolating miscreants from all guns would plummet gun crime. Largely they agree, background checks are important. But using the Internet would take seconds... without cost or delay and no licensed dealer needed. Many in this group have become suspicious of despotic elements in the ruling-class wanting to reduce threats to ruling power by further disarming the citizenry. A Wyoming cattle rancher wishes for machine-gun fire-power when he alone must protect his herd from ten middle-of-the-night rustlers with horses, guns and livestock trucks. These are some of the very reason for the Second Amendment. Finally, this group thinks almost all of their neighbors are trustworthy.
A Look At Evidence:
Saying that banning guns reduces gun crime is a tautology. Of course it does. Tautologies are inane necessarily true statements.

Suggesting that banning automobiles would reduce vehicular crime and banning chemistry would rduce fatal explosions is equally mindless. The crimes they imply involve violent perpetrators murdering victims. Whether discussing Darrell Brooks driving a sport utility vehicle, Timothy McVeigh exploding fertilizer bomb or Stephen Paddock shooting an AR-15, murder is the significant issue and mental derangement the cause. Instrumentality is subordinate. Yet, well informed government and media leaders frequently spew this tautology as if they said something significant.

Moreover, gun-death is the term often used... more than half of which are suicides. Suicide has no need to overpower a victim so guns may be expedient but are neither necessary or causal. Quite like murder.

The core of the gun-banning argument is that gun prevalence promotes antisocial behavior; gun-culture threatens democracy itself, is sometimes added. As will soon be seen, germane widely available evidence fails to support this. Since smart well informed people advance gun-banning, this promotion "smacks" of hidden goal and sophistry.
[Sophistry, is a term meaning: a clever fallacious argument intending deception. It is an all too common public policy ploy and a necessary duplicity tool.]
Here, murder is our focus because victim-hood is not voluntary. So, how effectively does reducing "gun-density" (number of gun per 100 people) reduce the homicide rate (number of homicides per 100 thousand people)? Said another way, would banning guns affect the homicide rate independent of other causes... or, fewer guns, less killing?

Thanks to the Australian experiment, world homicide rates help answer that question. In response to a 1996 mass shooting, Australia forcefully purchased and destroyed well over a million citizen owned firearms from their 20 million population. This reduced the private holdings by at least a third. Obeying the tautology, firearms related death (including suicide) quickly dropped by a factor of almost four, in four years. [Notably, their suicide-by-hanging increased by just over 52%.]

So, did the confiscation work? Looking at Australia's homicide rate before, during and after the confiscation (1990 through 2019) shows their overall homicide rate dropped in half. That correlation suggests that lowering gun-density might cause homicide reduction... but, that would only be true if gun availablility is a driving homicide cause and little else caused the drop. Alone, the Australian experiment is not enough.

Another experiment is needed... another "petri dish". This one without the gun-crushing "antibiotic." Examining another sequestered venture in the same time-frame might further disclose the relationship between gun-density and homicide-rate. Possibly, there were other wide-spread causes for the rate drop not involving guns. This "other-cause" theory would be strongly supported if gun-density increased while homicide-rates decreased.

How did the U.S. do? Over the same three decades, our homicide rates also dropped to about half the beginning rate. And, our gun-density also dramatically changed. FBI statistics show the background checks, needed for gun purchase, tripled from about 8 million annually to 23 million in 2015. An astounding one person in 14 bought a gun in 2015.

During the sample period, Australia's homicide rate and the U.S. homicide rate dropped virtually the same amount; this while U.S. gun-density increased due to millions of new guns and Australia reduced their gun-density by about a third. Even Australia's selective banning of "high-fire-power" weapons left any progress in the statistical noise.

Actually, most of the world's homicide rates dropped in the last 30 years. Many "sequestered ventures", like the U.S. and Australia, dropped to about half. While a comprehensive analysis of all the true causes is beyond the scope of this essay, latter sections "shed light" on possibilities. It surely appears as if homicide-rates are driven by a plurality of causes but gun-density and fire-power seem unimportant.

More examination (of other sequestered ventures with varying gun-density) further shows that gun-density or fire-power little affects homicide rate. Thus, it becomes ever clearer, banning guns does little to homicide rates or suicide rates. Most likely, gun-bans just force despairing but determined people to find another method.

It may surprise some to learn, increased gun-density actually rduces overall crime. [See MORE GUNS, LESS CRIME, John R. Lott Jr., 1998, University of Chicago Press.] Concurring is a 2021 Georgetown University study estimating private citizens use guns for self-defense approximately 1.67 million times per year in the United States.

The bottom line: increased gun-density actually results in increased personal security; further, whether people kill themselves or others is not significantly affected by gun availability. Believing otherwise is fallacy; but, a fallacy some find compelling.

Depending on their primal-views, some want to believe gun-bans save lives. They like the argument that because a mass killer was forced to take more time to load another low capacity magazine or work a bolt action far slower than an assault rifle, more will live. They claim, gun-bans are at least progress with little negative effect. Common primal-views linking stranger based uncertainty-anxiety to an emotional fear of armed others, promotes gun-banning. For them, ban-the-guns "feels good" and seems an easy reasonable compromise.

While this mind-set is sophistry bait, a fallacy based on a hopeful feel-good solution with minuscule possibility impedes real resolution. It delays reappraisal until after more killing. This is the history of U.S. gun law. Indulging the ban-the-guns fallacy hides the thinking disorders actually causing the crimes. Thus, guns become the scapegoat, a whipping boy focus... a distraction allowing us to deny reality. And who would want us to deny this reality? Shallow thinkers or people with a secret goal.

Would this law stop mass shootings?
An analysis of 11 mass shootings with 14 or more killed, shows that 9 would have been thwarted by this law because these crimes were committed by known miscreants. While the two exceptions are discussed below, virtually all mass shootings are done by people clearly exhibiting some thinking disorder. Not only does this law disamrm miscreants, it also trains armed people how to help with the problem.

The Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, was not an obvious miscreant... althought the Islamic State dubiously claimed him as their operative. Because he clearly had a thinking disorder, the MMPI test might have shown more than even Paddock's acquaintances new about him.

The other non-obvious shooter -- Charles Whitman, the 1966 Texas Tower killer -- was found to have a growing brain tumor, possibly causing his thinking disorder. Whitman suspected a tumor caused his relentless new evil urges and unsuccessfully tried to get help. Depending on its timing, Green-flag vetting might have missed catching Whitman's disability.

None of the mass shootings would have been stopped by yet another feckless ban on bump-stocks, large capacity magazines, assault rifles, silencers, sawed off shotguns, and who knows what comes next. Whitman used a bolt action rifle. Paddock had 24 firearms in his room; most were semi-automatic rifles shotguns and pistols. While many types of guns had already been banned, all these killers just found another way. It was always their disability and never the weapon.

Instead of banning some guns for all people, the Red-flag / Green-flag law bans all guns for some people. Miscreants are disarmed because the process forces them to lay bare their violent thoughts and be disarmed or disarm themselves to avoid such exposure. This gives them three choices: wait until they find a way around the process, kill using another weapon or, start on the path toward mental health (perhaps with the voluntary Red-flag). All three choices retard violent gun crime.

Comprehensive vetting, training and certification of millions of armed citizens now works well in Switzerland. It has for centuries. Switzerland has an exceptionally low crime rate (about like that of New Hampshire) regardless of their assault rifle plethora. Typically, they suffer less than 0.6 homicides per 100 thousand population and fewer than one-in-ten killed using guns. Doubtless, cultural effects beyond gun strategy account for much. Nonetheless, comprehensive vetting and training is the heart of their gun management and that is the heart of the Red-flag / Green-flag strategy.

Another thought about trust.
Timothy McVeigh killed 168 using explosives. Nineteen Al-Qaeda "tourists" killed nearly 3000 using hijacked commercial airliners. While guns were not the method in the two largest U.S. mass murders, feckless government gun policy was complicit. If airline pilots had been armed by FAA rules (as was true in the past) miscreants using mere box-cutters could not hijack airliners. If government agencies had not been arresting people for inept victimless gun crimes, McVeigh would not have bombed the Murrah Building.

Among the thousands killed, there were millions injured. Not just injured by smoke inhalation and fractured bones; this fracture was the fractured trust between our government and us. The sophistry we see is evidence that might suggest there is a secret autocratic goal to disarm us, to usurp the final democratic power our Constitution guarantees individual citizens.

Many will now shout: "this is an irrational fear, just another "wing-nut" consiracy theory. One might wish this concern is irrational. Irrational or not, it is easy to fix. This is the best time left for government to prove the wing-nuts wrong by supporting this solution to violent gun crime and returning our gun rights... rights that are the Constitutional final democratic power.

Instead of shouting these ideas down, write a cogent rebuttal with better ideas.
It is past time for public policy to solve this problem.

This law regulates the possession of SmallArms.
SmallArms are defined as: operable devices using deflagration to accelerate projectiles through a bore of less than 30mm in diameter able to strike targets well beyond their muzzle.

Gun Rights Resoration Act
or, The Red-flag / Green-flag Law

Who to trust?
All adult Citizens are assumed Trustworthy until deemed otherwise by a Court of Authority ("Red-flagged"). This law intends to disarm deranged people. For the untrained, it provides a path to mature gun use.

The law defines two types of possession:
  • Control-possession has the ability to discharge the SmallArm and
  • Passive-possession may not control a loaded SmallArm able to discharge a projectile.

    All lawful SmallArms possession must be supervised by a holder of a Green-flag and Green-flag Certified persons are self-supervised.

    All persons sentenced with a Red-flag, may only have Passive-possession of a SmallArm and must be supervised.

    Persons with No-flags may have lawful Control-possession of SmallArms when supervised.

    A Red-flag is a Court finding limiting SmallArms possession.
    Technically, there are two types of Red-flags, interim and durable. Interim Red-flags are placed in the Red-flag Data Base when a Magistrate or Judge rules the individual is suspected or accused of a criminal act punishable as described below and/or there is reasonable cause to believe such a crime is imminent. Normally, the use of the term Red-flag implies a durable Red-flag.
    Red-flags are part of a sentence for committing an Act-of-Violence crime. This sentence is intended to protect society from persons with this mental state: having a dangerous propensity to commit unjustifiable acts of violence upon themselves or others.

    This mental state is assumed with a conviction for a violent criminal act for which the defendant is incarcerated for 180 days or more. This mental state is also assumed for substance abuse convictions requiring 180 day or greater incarceration or a military discharge.

    Absent an act-of-violence, durable Red-flags may also be part of a Court finding resulting from any criminal, substance abuse or Mental Incompetence trial when the evidence convinces the Court, beyond reasonable doubt, there is a dangerous propensity to commit unjustifiable acts of violence upon themselves or others. The durable Red-flag is a separate finding, and when an act of violence is not extant, such a finding requires expert psychological supporting testimony.

    The Federal law proposed would govern SmallArms possession and ownership nationwide. It provides clear distinction between Second Amendment infringement and a reasonable inconvenience that serves the public good. It makes certain that Article VI, Clause 2 of the Constitution makes this Federal Law supreme thus, limiting government overreach thwarting due-process rights or individual gun rights.

    Red-flagging temporarily rescinds a natural and Constitutionally guaranteed right, the right to keep and bear arms. Restricting that right is quite the same as a felony criminal conviction and demands the same due-process rights. Further, this mental state may cause judicial action beyond the Red-flag.

    A Red-flag can be placed in a person's record for these reasons:
    (1) a conviction of a violent crime or substance abuse requiring 180 days of incarceration
    (2) a military discharge because of the inability to serve due to mental disorder, criminal activity or substance abuse
    (3) a Court finds that, beyond reasonable doubt, a person has a dangerous propensity to commit acts of unjustifiable violence upon themselves or others
    (4) a person can voluntarily place a Red-flag in their own record
    (5) a police authority may place an Interim Red-flag on a crime suspect as described above and in the Confiscation section below.
    A durable Red-flag is removed when any Court of Authority finds the person rehabilitated and no longer has a dangerous propensity to commit unjustifiable acts of violence upon themselves or others. Self imposed red-flags also require Court action for removal but, are noteworthy due to the defendant's contrition and willing search for help. An interim Red-flag is remove or made durable as a product of subsequent adjudication, dropping of charge or removal as a suspect.

    Red-flag WebSite
    These Red-flags are found in a federal government maintained website database available free to anyone with Internet access. This is the Universal Instant Background Check website. Its short name: Red-flag WebSite. It can be used by anyone before SmallArms Control-possession and/or ownership is transferred by sale, gift, bailment or loan.

    Upon enactment of this law, the Federal Government will begin constructing this Red-flag website and it will be completed within a year. The existence of a Red-flag associated with a person is not restricted information. It is a public record available to anyone with Internet access.

    Records are found using a person's Social Security Number or full name. The website should have help finding a full name from partial names or close spellings. Until the Red-flag WebSite is ready, the current background check system will continue. After that, the current system will not be needed for SmallArms.

    Beginning on the WebSite operational date, the result of a search can be printed by the person making the query. This printable receipt will contain the full name used for the search and one of two results: (1) Red-flag Not Found or (2) Red-flag Found along with a list of the Courts, dates and cases involving the finding; Red-flagged person's picture (mug shot) will also be included as part of the displayed web page. Both the "Found" and "Not Found" records will be dated and have a number used for establishing authenticity.

    When ownership of a SmallArm is transferred, this receipt is useful proof the seller complied with the "Background Check" legal requirement: the seller must be certain the transfer of ownership was to an entity without a Red-flag and the transfer of possession was to a person Green-flag Certified.

    When the Red-flag WebSite becomes available, the Federal Government will have a process for Red-flagged Persons to dispute the accuracy of their record.
    How much to trust?
    This law separates SmallArms ownership from possession.
    While SmallArms ownership is treated as ordinary chattel, this law would regulate SmallArms possession with less regard for ownership. Instead, the focus narrows to very comprehensive vetting of the person holding the gun. Are they skilled enough? Are they mentally fit enough? Do they understand the ethics?

    SmallArms Possession is regulated at three levels of trust.
    They are:

    A Certified Person may lawfully possess and discharge SmallArms in any lawful circumstance self-supervised. To become Certified, a person must not be found in the Red-flag Database, be 21 years of age, be a U.S. citizen or a foreign national with "Green-card" status and, have successfully completed gun safety and ethics training, which includes a cursory mental health evaluation like the widely used MMPI test. For several decades, many states have issued Hunter Safety Cards after similar training; these people would not need the complete class and a Red-flag check should suffice. Because these people will become mentors to Supervised Persons, they also learn skills needed for that task. Arguably, Green-flag Certified persons are the "well regulated militia" (lower case 'm') referenced by the Second Amendment.

    Certification training and testing is done by non-government organizations called SmallArms Certification Organizations. These bodies structure their training and testing according to guidelines prescribed by the government validating them as a SmallArms Certification Organization. While only one state or the Federal Government is required for such validation, that validation is honored throughout the United States.

    This law proposes a measured compromise. The scientific literature attributes useful predictability to the most commonly used psychological test: the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Yet, the literature also cautions, some fraction of people testing positive for a dangerous propensity to commit unjustifiable violence are suspected as false positives because later bad behavior was not reported. While not perfect, such tests do offer insight before a crime occurs. Alone, they are not enough to warrant a Red-flag but they are supporting evidence. As an alternitive to the MMPI or any other such test given by the SmallArms Certification Organization, candidates may submit a letter from a licensed mental health professional stating they have examined the candidate and found them unlikely to have a propensity for unjustified violence.

    Certification Denial
    When, by their testing or observations, SmallArms Certification Organizations discover persons with a clear proclivity for unjustifiable violence, they must not Certify that person; this denial is based on the organizations best judgment; the denied person may produce evidence toward changing the decision but, the final decision is made by the Certification Organization. Moreover, the organization may or, may not, choose to report their findings to a police authority. Unless subsequently restrained by the Court, the denied person may try another Certification Organization.

    Green-flag WebSite
    All SmallArms Certification Organizations will jointly provide a single on-line website and data base validating Certified Persons with individual records displaying the Certified Person's full name, date of birth, date of certification, a current picture, their contact information and their Certification Organization. This is the Green-flag WebSite. The manager of the Red-flag WebSite will contact the manager of the Green-flag WebSite with all notices of new Red-flags so, when appropriate, the Green-flag Database can be quickly updated.

    These on-line Green-flag Certification Records are publicly accessed by permission of the Certified Person (using one of several passwords controlled by the Certified Person). Some examples of certifying organizations might be: NRA, GOA, concealed carry and hunter safety groups, insurance companies... but, not governments.

    SmallArms Certification Organizations will provide a SmallArms Certification Card which displays a picture and the other information in the Green-flag record. These organizations may recover their costs from their membership.

    Police authorities may require temporary password access from a Certified Person to the Green-flag WebSite for the purpose of checking current Green-flag status. Police authorities may also obtain search warrants giving access to specific records of named persons suspected of crime involvement. Governments may not access the Green-flag Database for other purpose.

    A Supervised Person may possess and discharge SmallArms in any lawful circumstance while under the adequate supervision and mentorship of a Green-flag Certified Person regardless of age or citizenship as long as they are not Red-flagged on the Red-flag WebSite (aka Universal Instant Background Check database). A Green-flag Certified Person must agree to supervise and the supervised person must agree to be supervised under mutually agreed terms. To their requesting members, SmallArms Certification Organizations will supply "boiler-plate" agreements for this purpose.

    While Supervised Persons may have chattel ownership of a possessed SmallArm, its possession is governed by the supervising Green-flag Certified Person. One consequence would be: sellers may transfer SmallArms chattel title to Supervised Persons but must be given clear permission to transfer possession by the supervising Green-flag Certified Person (take them with you to the seller).

    Aliens, legally in the United States and wanting Supervised firearms possession, must arrange for such Supervision; they may come to the United States for hunting, competitive shooting (Olympics, etc.) or just recreational shooting.

    While the best reason for Green-flag Certified Persons to refuse supervision requests is finding a Red-flag, they may refuse supervision request for any reason. Supervision entails some shared responsibility for the actions of the supervised person. Thus, Green-flag Certified Persons are part of the vetting process.

    The military, police and other government agencies may have their own rules governing Supervised Smallarms possession while on active duty but this law applies to them when off-duty unless superseded by contractual obligations.

    Passive possession means any person free to be in public may handle an unloaded SmallArms in any lawful circumstance while under the adequate supervision of a Certified Person. This is lawful as long as the SmallArm remains unloaded and they obey lawful instruction given by their Green-flag Certified supervisor. Possession otherwise is a crime.

    While Passive possession does not permit discharging or even loading a SmallArm, it avoids a background check. This law is structured to allow a Red-flagged parcel delivery drivers recovering from a criminal past to lawfully deliver packaged SmallArms. A gun store clerk would not need to do a background check on every person looking at a gun. In otherwise lawful circumstance, such supervised unloaded SmallArms possession is not a crime unless they ignore lawful supervision.

    Supervisors and supervised Red-flagged persons must be in immediate proximity unless the SmallArm within a tamper proof container. If such supervision is remote, it is a crime to violate lawful supervisory instruction involving the SmallArm.

    With Internet access to the Red-flag and Green-flag Databases Universal Instant Background Checks are quick, easy and free. No more firearms licensee, local law enforcement or National Instant Criminal Background Check System personnel intervention needed.

    Whether in a gun shop, gun show or in someone's back yard, it only takes seconds to see if transferring SmallArms possession is restricted.

    When any Court of Authority issues or removes a Red-flag, it updates the Red-flag Database.

    When any SmallArms Certification Organization issues or removes a Green-flag, it updates the Green-flag Database.

    Finding a Green-flag Certification record in the Green-flag Database is evidence enough that no Red-fag is associated with that person.

    Internet accessed Red-flag or Green-flag records can be recorded and/or printed together with the access date/time and other identifying information to be used as evidence of a Background Check.

    SmallArms can only be sold to entities not found in the Red-flag Database and only delivered to that buyer's agent that must be found in the Green-flag Database.

    To verify validity and identity, police may demand a Certified Person's permission to access their Green-flag record; this can be in lieu of the certification card issued by their SmallArms Certification Card.

    Gun buyers and sellers may also want to see the person's record to verify that the Green-flag Certificate is still valid and check the picture for identity verification.

    Red-flags are a public records available to anyone.
    Access to a person's Green-flag records are only available with that person's permission. Green-flag Certified persons will have several access passwords available to manage such access.

  • Governments may not register guns, owners or possessors.
  • Governments may not levy taxes exclusively directed toward firearms related products.
  • Any Certified Person may manufacture or sell SmallArms without needing a firearms specific license issued by Federal, State or Local government. However, any manufactured SmallArm must be marked with the manufacturers company name as registered with the State of manufacture and have a unique serial number stamped on the receiver. Moreover, the manufacturer must keep a record of ownership transfers including the buyer's Green-flag information.
  • Governments may not confiscate firearms during martial law or declared emergencies.
    Temporary firearm confiscation can occur when police are responding to a violent crime. Such firearms can be held in police custody until the adjudication is complete. When they are no longer needed as evidence, possession of confiscated firearms will be transferred back to their owner if the owner is still a Certified Person; otherwise, ownership and possession will be transferred to the Certified Person identified by the trial judge.

    SmallArms possessed by a newly Red-flagged defendant but not needed for evidence will be transferred to a Certified Person selected by the Court with suggestions from the defendant.

    Police can ask the Court for an interim Red-flag on persons suspected of violent crimes or propensities... even prior to their arrest. Such interim Red-flags will be removed if the charges are dropped or upon adjudication unless the Court rules otherwise.
  • Interstate gun sales and shipping are allowed between Green-flag Certified Persons.
    Green-flag Certified Persons can buy and sell on the Internet and have firearms shipped to them. Strangers can see one another "on line" using listed contact information and compare pictures with Green-flag Database pictures.

    Access to the Green-flag Database access is password protected to prevent "phishing" and identity fraud.
  • Federal SmallArms law may not describe regulated firearms with more specificity than the SmallArms definition above:
    no pistols, no rifles, no shotguns, no action types, no barrel lengths, no pistol grips, no trigger types, no overall length, no stock types;

    Any Certified Person has a Constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear the SmallArms, as described, as well as, SmallArm's accessories and ammunition.

    Likewise, any Supervised Person without a Red-flag has the same right only constrained by their Green-flag supervisor/mentor.

    Even Red-flagged persons do not commit a crime by having supervised possession of such unloaded weapons. Yet, in the case of Red-flagged persons, the supervisor must be immediately present; or, the SmallArm may be the object of a lawful bailment service... whereupon, the SmallArm must be packaged in a tamper resistant container and both the supervisor and Red-flagged person are part of the lawful bailment agreement.
  • Prior-Restraint of SmallArms possession by federal, state or local government law is constrained by this doctrine: To restrain the possession of SmallArms, government must prove such possession would cause inevitable, direct, and immediate danger to public safety.
    While the term Prior-Restraint most often refers to restricting risky speech, it certainly can apply to restraining gun possession perceived to be risky. The above proposed doctrine was extracted from the Supreme Court's Pentagon Papers Decision (see: New York Times v. U.S., 403 U.S. 713 -- 1971).

    Fully automatic weapons will be a polar example. There will be a strong bias to ban possession of this type of SmallArm even by Green-flag Certified persons. Arguments will be made that there is no civilian need for such and they are too dangerous to have in private possession.
  • First, such arguments lack merit because we are not just free to peacefully acquire only that which we actually need. We are free to do what our free-will chooses, so long as our acts do not materially harm others.
  • Second, there are some occasions when that level of firepower is useful for security: e.g., the rare occasion when a lone rancher is defending his life, family and property against organized overwhelming criminals... drug smuggling, cattle rustling or alien boarder invaders stealing or destroying property.
  • Third, it is useful for the security of the United States when potential foreign invaders realize our citizenry is so well armed. Like Switzerland, invading and occupying us is hopeless when a large fraction of our citizens have assault rifles.
  • Fourth, there are 600,000 fully automatic guns possessed by private vetted citizens now. Unlike Green-flag certification, the current vetting does not include psychological testing. Even without psychological testing, these guns have never been a gun violence issue.
  • Fifth, early in the Twentieth Century, in response to Chicago's gun violence, fully automatic weapons generally became illegal to manufacture and possess. Nearly a century later, Chicago's gun violence is still rampant; but now, unlike Switzerland, our law-abiding citizenry does not have the homeland security choice of an assault rifle.
  • The Red-flag / Green-flag law trains people to safely use SmallArms and when such use is ethically appropriate.
  • There is no proof that fully automatic weapons possession by trained vetted private citizens causes inevitable, direct, and immediate danger to public safety. History demonstrates otherwise.
  • Actually, more than 80 people died in Waco TX from events spawned by zealous enforcement of machine-gun law... and, the Waco event prompted the Oklahoma City bombing... killing another 168 and injuring nearly 700 more. Arguably, more died because of these laws than were saved.
  • This new law would restore now infringed rights and help quell distrust of government by a plethora of liberty-sensitive citizens.
  • Using the Supreme Court's doctrine for judgement of First Amendment prior-restraint, current prior-restraint of SmallArms is not constitutional.
  • An Internet "hot-list" allows past gun owners to help police track stolen and crime involved-guns.
  • More implementation guidelines.
    The FAA will modify its rules to allow every Green-flag Certified flight crew member to take a SmallArm aboard their commercial aircraft... and the airline will supply secure storage and training as needed.

    block-chain security for Court access to Red-flag Database.

    User controlled passwords for Green-flag WebSite.

    Red-flag dispute process.

    Green-flag denial process.
  • Guidelines for Certification organizations, courses and staff requirements to follow.

    To see or download the complete "White Paper".

    • ********Send Comments to: Publius@Liberty.Ink**********

      published by Liberty Ink, PBC
      First publication date: 20July2022
      Publius Extant